sexta-feira, abril 23, 2021

Ensaios, de George Orwell


I love to read George Orwell's writings. He is the epitome of what a Leftist should be - caring about your fellow humans, and keeping a perfect balance about the individual and the common good. 

Intelligent, accurate, and up to the point, he always keeps his common sense and critical reasoning, as we all should do. 

quarta-feira, abril 07, 2021

The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer

 I had this book on my shelf for over 15 years; always put it off reading thinking it might be too difficult. But I was wrong - the translation into modern English is very easily readable, and I expect it reasonably keeps the original tone, at least the rhyming and the spirit. 

It's a wonderful book, witty and entertaining, and extremely informative regarding the life, humour and moeurs of the Middle Ages. It's not as good as the fabulous Decameron, but it's close. 

I'm glad I read the beautifully illustrated book from Folio, the medieval art is just stunning.

quinta-feira, abril 01, 2021

Les Années, de Annie Ernaux


What a wonderful book, I'm so happy I got to know Annie Ernaux thanks to Saleem Haddad (another great writer, btw). It is a wonderful history of he 20th century, told by a personal memoir by a keen observer. I felt so totally identified with her thoughts and memories from the times I lived through. 

Monter en ville, rêver, se faire jouir et attendre, résumé possible d'une adolescence en province.

Pourtant, ils n'auraient jamais vivre là. [...] Ils désiraient qu'il reste toujours dans le monde des pays sans progrès pour les transporter ainsi en arrière.

Sauver quelque chose du temps où l'on ne sera plus jamais. 

Yes, all our lives' experiences will fade away. But that's exactly why testimonies like this are so important.